Eye@RIS3 visualises public investment priorities for innovation across Europe for period 2014-2020. It enables public managers and stakeholders to position their territory in comparison to other territories and to find potential partners for collaboration. Inside the EU, priorities are linked to the use of the European Regional and Development Funds (ERDF). Data are based on the information found in Smart Specialisation Strategies and related strategic frameworks.  Outside the EU, they depict R&I priorities reported in various government strategy documents.

To allow for easy comparisons with established classifications, priorities are classified using the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE rev. 2) and the Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programmes and Budgets (NABS 2007).

Last updates: The tool has been fully upgraded in September 2018. Data are continuously updated based on inputs from European regional and national authorities and their stakeholders (also called the "entrepreneurial discovery process" in the literature on smart specialisation).

Eye@RIS3: Innovation Priorities in Europe

EU Countries with Encoded S3 Priorities
EU Regions with Encoded S3 Priorities
Non-EU Countries with Encoded R&I Priorities
Non-EU Regions with Encoded R&I Priorities
Name [NUTS ID] Description Source Date of Source
Abruzzo [ITF1] Healthy and innovative agri food sector
Accelerating the technological transfer for improving safety and quality of food products Design new and tailored marketing models to increase competitive
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Sep - 2017
Abruzzo [ITF1] Design driven innovation for fashion industries
Product and process innovation (design driven innovation and new materials) for environmental and social sustainability (design for all) aimed at developing more integrated value chains (design/production/communication/distribution)
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Sep - 2017
Abruzzo [ITF1] Advanced technologies for health and living care services (life science)
Cutting-edge (bio and nano materials) and industry 4.0 technologies for a more competitive health care system based on tailored services and products, effective prevention and a next-practice approach. Advanced productive processes and integrate...
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Sep - 2017
Abruzzo [ITF1] New technologies and solutions for the aerospace industry
Design and development of analog, digital and system solutions Training, analysis (big data), testing, solutions design for the Cyber Security
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Sep - 2017
Abruzzo [ITF1] Automotive 4
New ICT and smart factory solutions applied to logistic and production processes for sustainable and integrated commercial vehicles
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Sep - 2017
Alentejo [PT18] Mineral, Natural and Environmental Resources
Add value to the geological resources and natural environment of the region, supporting the growth and clustering of innovative economic activities and strategic diversification from extraction industries, promoting the emergence of activities rel...
Final RIS3 Document 01 - Dec - 2014
Alentejo [PT18] Social Economy - technologies and services
Steer scientific and entrepreneurial competencies to create new technological solutions and ways of working that can respond to societal challenges.
Final RIS3 Document 01 - Dec - 2014
Alentejo [PT18] Heritage, Cultural and Creative Industry and Services for Tourism
Add value to the natural and cultural heritage of the region through links with cultural and creative industries, with the objective of increasing the cultural and creative profile of Alentejo. Supporting the expansion of tourism services and thei...
Final RIS3 Document 01 - Dec - 2014
Alentejo [PT18] Food & forestry
Add value to the territorial and climatic conditions of the region, strengthening links between the agricultural and food processing industries, integrating and coordinating value chains, making links with culture and tourism, explore market oppor...
Final RIS3 Document 01 - Dec - 2014
Alentejo [PT18] Critical technologies, Energy and Smart Mobility
Critical technologies for network management and IT security / interactive systems, applied to the fields of energy and smart mobility
Final RIS3 Document 01 - Dec - 2014