First fact-finding and stakeholder consultation meetings for the Review of Industrial Transition of Greece took place in Athens
First fact-finding and stakeholder consultation meetings for the Review of Industrial Transition of Greece took place on the 10th October 2019 in Athens, Greece
Launched as part of the RIS3 in Lagging Regions project, the JRC Review of Industrial Transition of Greece examines the transition of Greek industry in the domains of renewables, energy storage and energy applications (including electric vehicles, shipping, agriculture and defence). The review sought to highlight future opportunities for industry-minded policy in newly emerging and rapidly transforming global value chains, paying particular attention to economic sectors, professions and territories facing severe employment pressures (Western Macedonia in particular).
As part of this review, a first fact-finding meeting took place in Athens on Thursday 10th of October 2019 and sought to identify and understand the place and the role of major stakeholder constituencies in the affected systems and to obtain further relevant evidence. The promotion of effective consultation and coordination among stakeholders in government, industry and user/consumer groups, together with the enhanced evidence strengthens the subsequent development of appropriate actions and strategic planning.
The meeting brought together a varied range of government officials with portfolios on innovation, education, employment, energy, transport, public procurement, maritime and island matters and regional authorities. The team also had the opportunity to meet representatives from the business sector, lead users, innovation managers, solution providers, energy and transport experts and leaders from knowledge organisations. Preliminary findings will be presented and discussed in the next meeting of the Working Group scheduled for December, 2019 in Brussels. A subsequent fact-finding meeting is being planned for February 2020, ahead of the publication of the final report in April 2020.
The JRC team comprised Ken Guy (Wise Guys, Chair of Working Group on Understanding and Managing Industrial Transitions), Matthijs Janssen (Utrecht University), Yannis Tolias (Innovatia Systems) and Dimitrios Pontikakis (Joint Research Centre, European Commission).