TAF webinar on Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) funding instrument
- 29 Apr 2021 to 29 Apr 2021
Online event
In the context of the TAF Talks series 2.0, the TAF team is organising a series of webinars focusing on potential funding sources for inter-regional investment projects.
Read moreAgenda and Presentations
In the context of the TAF Talks series 2.0, Valentina PINNA, DG REGIO, presented the I3 instrument on Thursday 29th April (14:00-15:00).
The presentation introduced the instrument’s core rationale and foreseen structure, its state of development and opportunities. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
Practical Information
- When
- 29 Apr 2021 to 29 Apr 2021
- Where
Online event
- Registration Information
Registration has closed
In the 2021-27 period, the EU budget will have a new funding instrument for cohesion policy: the “Interregional Innovation investment” (I3) initiative under ERDF. The instrument aims at helping actors involved in Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) to cluster together, scale-up and bring innovation to the European market. This will be achieved by supporting interregional partnerships (including quadruple helix stakeholders such as public authorities, private actors, RTOs and final users) de-risk cooperation, accelerate innovative projects ideas and unlock private investments.
With an EU budget of € 570 Million, the I3 instrument is currently underway and its first calls for proposals are expected to be published between September and October 2021. The instrument is being developed capitalising on the lessons learned from the Thematic Partnerships of the S3P-Industry.
This announcement was published by Ecorys on behalf of the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) (COSME).
For any more information about our services and initiatives, feel free to contact us at taf@ecorys.com.