Atlantic Arc

A sea-Bed Strategy addressing common opportunities and challenges of the regions in particular related to maritime physical and socio-economic context.

Regions in the Atlantic share common opportunities and challenges, in particular related to their maritime physical and socio-economic context, and for many to their relatively peripheral location. The Conference for Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) and its Working Groups bring together policy makers, academia and experts from different countries that form part of the Atlantic Arc Sea Basin Strategy.

They discuss on a regular basis how synergies can be developed between different national / regional S3 strategies and the Atlantic Arc Sea Basin Strategy. The S3 Platform has cooperated with CPMR to help assist Atlantic Arc countries/regions in aligning their S3 priorities.



Smart Specialisation for Sustainable Blue Economy Workshop
In the light of the Commission’s adoption of the Sustainable Blue Economy Strategy as an essential tool to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal whilst ensuring a green recovery from the pandemic, a joint DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) and The Joint Research Centre...


Smart Specialisation in the Context of Blue Economy – Analysis of Desalination Sector

The smart Specialisation strategy design and implementation offer European territories a solid paradigm for developing effective innovation governance, improving innovation policy capacities, enhancing public-private partnerships, offering common platform for inter-regional cooperation...

Jan Post, Pieter de Jong, Matt Mallory, Mathieu Doussineau, Ales Gnamus
The EU Blue Economy Report 2021

The fourth edition of the yearly EU Blue Economy Report provides a new perspective on the impacts that several factors have on the Blue Economy, including global challenges like climate change, emerging sectors such as maritime security and surveillance, enabling frameworks such as Maritime...

Multiple Authors
Smart Specialisation and Blue biotechnology in Europe

This science for policy report evidences the great potential of the Smart Specialisation approach applied in the context of maritime-oriented policies. Specifically, the report analyses the blue emerging sectors of aquaculture, algae and micro-algae, confirming that marine technology offers...

Doussineau M., Gnamus A., Gomez J., Haarich S., Holstein F.
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