Synergies: Sustainable Growth in Marine and Maritime Sectors of Slovenia in the Northern Adriatic - Bluemed meeting on macro-regional level

  • 21 Mar 2017 to 22 Mar 2017
  • National institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran, Fornače 41

In the context of the Bluemed initiative the Ministry of Education Science and Sport (MIZŠ) and the Marine Biology Station of the National Institute of Biology (NIB MBP) of Slovenia, together with the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC), organize an event aimed at creating synergies between different European, regional and national policies and instruments in the field of marine and coastal areas, as well as to present the JRC-EASAC report "Marine sustainability in an age of changing oceans and seas".

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Agenda and Presentations

Macroregional event

National event

Bluemed and EUSAIR

  1. Bluemed of the Mediterranean Sea - Marta Šabec, MIZŠ, Slovenia, Bluemed Strategic Board member
  2. Bluemed in Croatia - marine infrastructure - Ivica Vilibić, IZOR Split, Croatia
  3. EUSAIR on sea topics from Slovenian perspective - Andreja Jerina, Ministry of Foregin Affairs, National Coordinator for EU Macroregional Strategies, Slovenia
  4. Synergies between the BlueMed and EUSAIR - Luca Marangoni, European Commission, DG MARE, Unit D1: Maritime Affairs in the Mediterranean and Black Sea
  5. EUSAIR foosteps in Adrion projects (project labeling) - Mitja Bricelj, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia, EUSAIR TSG 3 - Environmental Quality Coordinator

Challenges and related actions to implement the Bluemed national and microregional (thematic) priorities with EUSAIR

  1. JRC and Macro-Regional Strategies, Thematic Smart Specialization Platforms (TSSP) and Macro-Regional Strategies - Aleš Gnamuš, European Commission, DG JRC, S3 Platform
  2. Bluemed Challenges in Slovenia - Vlado Malačič, National Institute of Biology, Marine Biological Station Piran, Slovenia
  3. Bluemed Platforms: An Instrument to Implement the Bluemed Initiative – State of the Art and Perspectives - Andrea Barbanti, National Research Council, Italy

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Water Framework Directive (WFD), Bluemed and SRIA

  1. Implementing MSP in the Mediterranean and in the Adriatic-Ionian Region and the Connection with Bluemed and the SRIA - Pierpaolo Campostrini, Corila, Venice, Italy
  2. ESPON Estador Project and Marine Spatial Planning in Slovenia - Lenča Humerca-Šolar, Ministry of the Envrionment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia
  3. MSFD in Slovenia - Barbara Breznik, Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia
  4. MSFD and WFD in Slovenia – Regional Perspective from a Research Point of View - Janja Francé & Marina Bonaca Orlando, NIB - Marine Biological Station Piran, Slovenia

Instruments and good practices for implementing Bluemed challenges

  1. Overview of the INTERREG Cross-border Collaboration of Slovenia – Focus on the Littoral and Marine Areas - Nina Seljak, European Territorial Cooperation and Financial Mechanism Office, Slovenia
  2. Slovenian Perspective in Public Public Partnerships and Scientific Bilateral Research Collaborations in the Mediterranean - Petra Žagar, MIZŠ, Slovenia
  3. Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Slovenia – Mediterranean Frame - Robert Turk, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Slovenia
  4. Tourism in Primorska Coastal Area - Emil Juvan, Turistika, University of Primorska, Slovenia
  5. Port of Koper: European Projects and Development Ambitions - Maša Čertalič, Luka Koper, d.d., Slovenia
  6. Research and Data Infrastructure obtained at NIB-Marine Biology Station Piran - Branko Čermelj, NIB - Marine Biological Station Piran, Slovenia

JRC activities relevant for Slovenia Marine Sustainability in an Age of Changing Oceans and Seas (JRC-EASAC Report)

  1. Synergies between ESI funds, Horizon 2020 and other (EU) Funding Programmes in the Area of Blue Growth – State of Play of European and Slovenian R&I Investment - Andrea Conte, European Commission, DG JRC, Seville
  2. JRC Thematic Smart Specialization Platforms tackling of BLUE MED topics - Aleš Gnamuš, European Commission, DG JRC, Seville
  3. Presentation of EASAC-JRC report and its recommendations relevant to the region - Ferdinando Boero, Università del Salento, EASAC Italy, Working Group representative
  4. IPA Cross-border Balmas Project - Gašper Zupančič, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia
  5. Comments on the Report from Slovenian Perspective Q&A with the Audience - Andreja Ramšak, NIB - Marine Biological Station Piran, Slovenia



Practical Information

21 Mar 2017 to 22 Mar 2017
National institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran, Fornače 41
Registration Information
Please note that the registration for the event was opened until March 14th, 2017 and is now closed.


In the context of the Bluemed initiative the Ministry of Education Science and Sport (MIZŠ) and the Marine Biology Station of the National Institute of Biology (NIB MBP) of Slovenia, together with the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC), organize an event aimed at creating synergies between different European, regional and national policies and instruments in the field of marine and coastal areas, as well as to present the JRC-EASAC report "Marine sustainability in an age of changing oceans and seas".

More information, Agenda and registration (until 14 March) on the website of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.

