Sustainable Buildings Partnership working meeting

  • 22 Nov 2017 to 22 Nov 2017
  • Brussels. In Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB). Room AB / 3.10.

Working session with the partners of the interregional S3 Partnership on Sustainable Buildings.

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Agenda and Presentations


Wednesday 22nd November 2017.



Summary of Status of the Partnership on Sustainable Buildings. (Energy Agency of Andalusia - AAE)

Session I. Innovation’s Map survey.

Session II. Pilot projects, a real example. Pilot Project on Smart Energy Management and Internet of Things. Main tasks, including partnership, Road Map, obstacles and timing. Status of the Smart University Campuses. Each Region

Session IV. Presentation of other ideas for pilot projects.  

Sesssion V. Transversal tasks: Financing the proposal Examples of Calls for Wood Building by Digipoloys Oy (Lapland, FI) and Innovation Camp results (JRC, AAE) (event info here)

Next steps and agreements. Elaboration of detailed planning and agreement of repartition of tasks among partners. New ideas. Q&A.

Practical Information

22 Nov 2017 to 22 Nov 2017
Brussels. In Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB). Room AB / 3.10.


A coordination-working meeting of the Sustainable Building Partnership was held on tthe 22nd of November 2017 in Brussels, in order to advance in the Capacities and Innovation Mapping in th Sustainable Buildings sector and discuss on the proposed ideas for Pilot projects.

As an example of a Pilot project, one of the sessions will be focused on a Pilot Project concerning Smart Energy Management in University Campuses of the partnership.



Rue Froissart 36
1040 Brussels
