Smart Specialisation in the Blue Economy context
As part of joint collaboration between DG MARE and JRC, the S3 Platform has been analysing some Blue Growth emerging sectors, identifying the indicators that will enable measuring of the closely related innovative activities across Europe and the role of smart specialisation in the enhanced networking among the EU regions and Member States actively engaged in these emerging sectors. This year a particular focus was devoted to the selected pilot emerging sector of marine renewable energy. The results of the analysis done in the frame of the scientific work of the JRC S3 Platform and sub-contractors from the Basque Energy Cluster will be included in the 2019 Annual Economic Report on the EU Blue Economy. Furthermore, the work and case studies will be showcased at a thematic workshop on "Smart Specialisation and the Emerging Blue Sectors" organised in the frame of the largest event of Europe’s maritime community called "European Maritime Days" on 17 June in Lisbon.
As part of joint collaboration between DG MARE and JRC, the S3 Platform has been analysing some Blue Growth emerging sectors, identifying the indicators that will enable measuring of the closely related innovative activities across Europe and the role of smart specialisation in the enhanced networking among the EU regions and Member States actively engaged in these emerging sectors. This year a particular focus was devoted to the selected pilot emerging sector of marine renewable energy.
The results of the analysis done in the frame of the scientific work of the JRC S3 Platform and sub-contractors from the Basque Energy Cluster will be included in the 2019 Annual Economic Report on the EU Blue Economy. Furthermore, the work and case studies will be showcased at a thematic workshop on "Smart Specialisation and the Emerging Blue Sectors" organised in the frame of the largest event of Europe’s maritime community called "European Maritime Days" on 17 May in Lisbon.
The workshop will discuss what it takes to create successful blue growth innovation ecosystems and how the transregional cooperation can facilitate new innovative services and products to feed the global value chains. It will also benchmark innovation activities in a few emerging Blue Economy sectors with a focus to deliver interregional partnerships around these emerging fields.
The focus of the overall event of the "European Maritime Days 2019" with an expected audience of more than 700 stakeholders to be held in Lisbon on 16 and 17 May 2019 will be on blue entrepreneurship, innovation and investment to transform traditional maritime sectors and boost emerging technologies and value chains. A specific focus will be put on research and innovation for a plastic-free ocean.
More information on the event website.