Seminar on Higher Education and Smart Specialisation
- 12 Apr 2016 to 13 Apr 2016
Disseminated findings from the SmartSpec research consortium and developed concepts for the HESS project.
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Below you can see the agenda of the workshop, together with links to
Day one
2.00 Denis Crowley (DG EAC): Welcome, Scene setting and Introduction
Moderator: Kevin Morgan, Professor at Cardiff University, Advisor to the Commissioner for Regional Policy and Director of FP7 SmartSpec project
2:15 Brief introduction of participants (tour de table)
2:45 Consideration of the current state of research, policy and practise
- John Goddard, Newcastle University: The challenge of connecting universities to regional growth: territorial and higher education perspectives
- Adrian Healy, Coordinator of FP7 SmartSpec Project: Summary of project achievements relevant to higher education
- John Edwards and Elisabetta Marinelli (DG JRC-IPTS), Experience with HE in the S3 Platform, including the case of Catalonia
- Short QA with participants
3:30 Implications for joint EAC-JRC activities
- Peter Baur (DG EAC) and John Edwards (DG JRC-IPTS), Introduction to the Higher Education and Smart Specialisation (HESS) project
- Short QA session with participants
3:45 Coffee break
4:00 Insights from more developed regions
- Good practice from SmartSpec regions, including HESS pilot case of Navarra (Spain)
4.30 Insights from less developed regions
- The challenges investigated by SmartSpec, including HESS pilot case of Nord-Est (Romania)
5.00 Reflections of participants: Regional and HE Perspectives
- Led by Richard Tuffs (ERRIN) and Ellen Hazelkorn (Higher Education Authority, Ireland)
Day two
09:00 Summary of Day One by the moderator
09:10 Explanation of themes for in depth discussion 09:30 Group discussions on the main challenges, research agendas and policy ideas
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Feedback from group discussions in the plenary
12:00 Reactions from the OECD – Mario Cervantes (STI Directorate) and Cláudia Sarrico (EDU Directorate)
12:45 Concluding words by Patricia Reilly, member of Commissioner Navracsics cabinet
Practical Information
- When
- 12 Apr 2016 to 13 Apr 2016
In order to further develop the conceptual and methodological approaches for the HESS project, the S3 Platform organised a seminar with the FP7 funded consortium called SmartSpec, led by Cardiff University. Hosted by DG Education and Culture, the workshop brought together researchers with several DGs of the European Commission and the OECD. The two pilot regions of HESS participated as well as ERRIN and the European University Association, providing both regional and higher education perspectives.
The first part of the workshop involved presentations from the SmartSpec research project and the HESS pilot regions. Four themes were identified from these presentations, which were then discussed in break out groups in the second part of the workshop. Here are the summaries of these discussions:
- Governance
- Higher Education Systems
- Skills
- Internationalisation
The main messages from these disucssions were presented to Patrica Reilly, cabinet member of Commissioner Navracsics (responsible for both Education and the Joint Research Centre)