Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials Pilot Projects Test-beds for industry and private investments

  • 08 Mar 2017 to 08 Mar 2017

Horizon 2020, in particular through its industrial leadership pillar, has invested more than 140 million in nanotech and advanced materials pilot lines that enable demonstration in an industrial environment.

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Agenda and Presentations

Agenda available here.

Practical Information

08 Mar 2017 to 08 Mar 2017
Registration Information
For local details concerning the registration please contact Note: Delegates to this event may benefit from a 20% discount in the NANOSPAIN 2017 early-bird registration fee. If interested, they should contact directly:


On the 9th of February 2017 DG Research and Innovation co-organised together with DG GROW, DG REGIO, JRC and the Committee of the Regions a workshop on "Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials for Regional Growth – The Challenge of upscaling”. More than 80 participants representing regional authorities, pilot project coordinators and other relevant stakeholders gathered together to share experience, work collaboratively, and discuss the state of play and future developments of the pilot lines for upscaling nanotechnologies and advanced materials for regional growth.

The case of Basque Country was identified as an example for having a relevant track record in terms of regionally public investments in industrial nanotechnology research as well as in participation in EU (H2020)-funded pilot projects.

One of the main conclusions from the workshop was the need to engage industry, SMES, public and private investors in dialogue with the consortia that have completed or are running projects on pilot lines. The purpose is to develop a favorable ecosystem for materials upscaling. This in turn will support regional growth through fast deployment of new technologies.
DG RTD is co-organizing with the government of the Basque Country, a specific workshop during the NANOSPAIN 2017 week. This event aims at bringing together and show-casing several pilot projects towards stakeholders from industry (medium and large companies, SMEs and start-ups), private investors and other key stakeholders.

The workshop will bring together

  •  Industry: Medium and large companies, SMEs and start-ups.
  •  Private investors.
  •  Coordinators, exploitation leaders, pilot line developers and key industrial partners from running Horizon 2020 pilot projects and FP7 pilot projects.
  •  Delegates from technology centres and other relevant key stakeholders.
  •  Regional representatives


The EC Policy Officer responsible for the workshop is Dr Maria Moragues Canovas -