JRC Information Events in Kiev (UA)

  • 14 Sep 2016 to 15 Sep 2016
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) in Volodymyrska 54, Kiev (Ukraine)

In the recent years Smart Specialisation Strategies for Research and Innovation (RIS3) have been developed mostly at across the EU as a key component of regional development policy. Furthermore, the Smart Specialisation (S3) concept has been recognised as a useful framework for research and innovation beyond the EU and lately in particular in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies fostering inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the countries addressed by these policies.

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Agenda and Presentations

Event agenda 14 September 2016

Event agenda 15 September 2016

Agenda for Technical Meeting on 16 September 2016

Information event on Research Cooperation between the Joint Research Centre and Ukraine, 14 September 2016


Signing ceremony and opening session

  • Anatoly Zagorodny, Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Maksym Strikha, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • Vladimír Šucha, Director-General, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Hugues Mingarelli, Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, European External Action Service, European Union

Session I – Setting the scene

Session II – The Smart Specialisation approach

Thematic session I – Agriculture and food security

Thematic session II – Disaster risk management

Closing session

  • Ulla Engelmann, Head of Interinstitutional, International Relations and Outreach, Directorate for Strategic and Work Programme Coordination, Joint Research Centre, EC



Information event on "Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)", 15 September 2016

Welcome and Presentation of the EU's R&I related Activities with Ukraine - Moderated by Ales Gnamus, DG JRC, S3 Platform

Session introducing the Smart Specialisation concept and S3 Platform's activities – Moderated by Lina Stanionytė, DG JRC, S3 Platform

- National RIS3 of Slovenia - Marko Hren, GODCP, Slovenia
- National RIS3 of Lithuania - Jurgita Petrauskienė, MOSTA, Lithuania
- RIS3 of South Moravian Region (CZ) - Petr Chládek, South Moravian Innovation Centre, Czech Republic

Session on identifying the gaps in research and innovation system in Ukraine, preparedness for the design of smart specialisation process and needs for related capacity building actions – Moderated by Ales Gnamus, DG JRC, S3 Platform




Practical Information

14 Sep 2016 to 15 Sep 2016
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) in Volodymyrska 54, Kiev (Ukraine)
Registration Information
Registration by invitation. Additional participants are welcome and may send the interest to participate to the contacts above.



In the framework of the research cooperation between the Joint Research Centre and Ukraine, the JRC together with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) organised an information campaign in Kiev on the modalities of the joint R&I cooperation comprising three events: the High-level JRC Information event on "Research cooperation between JRC and Ukraine" (14 September), the Info event on Smart Specialisation (15 September) and a specific Technical Meeting with the selected government/NASU representatives from Ukraine to be invited to the immersion training on smart specialisation (S3) that was held in Seville in January 2017. The three events are targeting the relevant governmental, R&I and business stakeholders in Ukraine and represent an integral part of the activities within the JRC Enlargement and Integration Action dedicated to further enhance the research and innovation cooperation between the EU and Ukraine.

The JRC information campaign is aimed at raising the awareness on the possibilities within the JRC – Ukraine research cooperation framework with a specific emphasis on the Smart Specialisation concept aiming also at exploring the needs for the reinforcing capacities in Ukraine to develop effective R&I policy, including its territorial dimension. The high-level event intends to promote JRC initiatives for the scientific support to Ukraine and to identify possible strategic areas of cooperation between the EU and Ulraine. Besides the in-depth discussion on JRC-Ukraine joint activities in the fields of agriculture and disaster risk reduction, the topics which have been identified together with the representatives of NASU and the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science during the Study Visit to JRC Ispra site on 6-8 April 2016. One day will be dedicate to raising the awareness on the benefits of smart specialisation (S3) concept and the Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3).

In the recent years the RIS3 have been developed mostly across the EU as a key component of the EU Cohesion policy's ex-ante conditionality to use the European Structural and Investment Funds. However, ever more the smart specialisation concept is being recognised as an important framework for research and innovation activities and their improved governance beyond the EU. Lately, in particular, the concept is being introduced in the EU policies aiming at closer collaboration between the EU and the Enlargement and Neighbourhood countries as a meen to fostering inclusive and sustainable economic growth in these countries. In support to the EU enlargement and neighbourhood countries the JRC has been carrying out the activities within the Enlargement and Integration Action, which among some other R&I activities, lately focuses in particular the smart specialisation approach to the research and innovation activities and supporing the participatory process of quadruple helix stakeholders in identifying the strengths, opportunities and needs in R&I activities in support of the economy as well as providing capacity building assistance for a more competitive research and innovation activities.


Ales Gnamus and Lina Stanionyte

Contact in Ukraine
Mr. Yegor Dubynskyi
Adviser to the Vice President
National Academy of sciences of Ukraine
National NCP coordinator of Horizon 2020
Tel.: +380 919123161
E-mail: ypd@nas.gov.ua   and   inco.ncp.ukraine@gmail.com