EWRC 2019 Workshop: Digital Innovation Hubs and Smart Specialisation Strategies

  • 08 Oct 2019 to 08 Oct 2019

JRC S3P together with DG CNECT A2 and the consortium DIHNET.EU are organising the Workshop: "Digital Innovation Hubs and Smart Specialisation Strategies for digital transformation" during the EWRC 2019

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Agenda and Presentations

To address these issues, during the workshop, the S3P team of the JRC, together with DG CNECT and the DIHNET.EU consortium will:

  • present their experience so far with the Catalogue of DIHs (hosted under the S3P) and results of analytical work based on regional case studies and a recent survey to DIH managers and regional policy actors
  • discuss the role of DIHs in the near future to contribute to a "smarter specialisation" era for the New Cohesion Policy
  • provide to policy-makers and practitioners the opportunity to get the latest updates about future initiatives in the post 2020 EU programming period on how to support DIHs in the Digital Europe programme and the role of ERDF to promote future collaboration with S3 in regional/national level.

Practical Information

08 Oct 2019 to 08 Oct 2019


DIHs are regional multi-partner one-stop-shops, aiming at supporting SMEs and the public sector in their digital transformation. Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are pivotal in the recent policy initiative within the current Digitising the European Industry (DEI) strategy of the EU. While S3 will continue to be an important "enabling condition" for the post 2020 Cohesion policy and ERDF funding, DEI initiative aspires to ensure the presence of at least one (1) DIH per region to reinforce regional digital innovation capacities of economy and society

The purpose of the workshop is to present current evidence and explore further how the regional/national innovation ecosystems formed around S3 priorities are currently interacting with DIHs and how these two "worlds" could be brought closer together, interact more with each other for the benefit of local/national economies. Closer and more synergistic collaboration with a view to increase the level of adoption of digital innovations in high priority economic sectors is encouraged in order to increase regional competitiveness and support the uptake of disruptive and promising digital technologies (i.e. Artificial Intelligence, Data analytics, IoT, Cybersecurity). All types of regions could benefit by exploring ways of bringing DIHs closer to the design/implementation of smart specialisation/digital transformation strategies including regions in industrial transition and low growth/low income regions.

For more info and registration please visit the EWRC website.
