“Smart Specialisation Strategies for Sustainability – opportunities for economic recovery and competitiveness”

  • 06 Oct 2020
  • Sweden

The Webinar situates smart specialisation strategies in the new EU policy agenda with the European Green Deal as EUs new growth strategy. This directionality is confirmed in the recent EU recovery package, where investment and innovation-driven policy for sustainability are highlighted for our economic recovery. Which opportunities for local industrial strategies arise in the green and digital transitions and in the new EU policy? How can smaller countries, regions and cities in Europe design bottom-up strategies reaping the opportunities of the green and digital transition for local jobs and growth? Which investments and innovation measures are needed for this to happen? How to deal with the threats of transitions and local trade-offs? How can we build on smart specialisation strategies and what needs to be adapted?

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Agenda and Presentations

14 July 2019



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Welcome and Introduction

  • Dimitrios PONTIKAKIS and Mark BODEN, Joint Research Centre
  • Ken GUY, Working Group Chair, Wise Guys

10:10 – 10:45

Review of Industrial Transition of Bulgaria: Findings and Recommendations (20 mins)

  • Patries BOEKHOLT, Innovation Policy Matters
  • Ruslan STEFANOV, ARC Fund

Discussion (15 mins)

  • Moderator: Anabela SANTOS, Joint Research Centre



11:00 - 11:35

Review of Industrial Transition of Romania: Preliminary Findings (20 mins)

  • Christos EMMANOUILIDIS, Cranfield University
  • Gabriela PIRVU, Romanian Clusters Association
  • Mircea PETREA, ElfNet

Discussion (15 mins)

Moderator: Marina RANGA, Joint Research Centre

11:35 – 11:55

Keynote Address (10 mins)

  • Lorena IONITA, DG GROW, European Commission

“The European Industrial Strategy in the context of the Recovery Plan”

Discussion (10 mins)

Moderator: Jayne WOOLFORD, Joint Research Centre

11:55 – 12:00

Introduction to Parallel Sessions “Topical Support Coalitions”

  • Dimitrios PONTIKAKIS, Joint Research Centre

To make the most of the opportunities presented by virtual meetings, we initiated a discussion with a broader group of interested researchers and practitioners through a first series of exploratory discussions on topical support coalitions. The aim was to provide a regular space for discussion, learning and coordination that can prepare the ground for possible joint actions among participants. The objectives of the support coalitions were in the first instance to:

·         learn from relevant work done by WG participants 

·         link up to vanguard work outside the WG

·         enhance collective understanding of critical topics

·         receive constructive feedback and provide opportunities for coordination

The conclusions of each session will inform the Working Group’s Synthesis Report (postponed to the end of 2020).

12:00 – 12:10


12:10 -13:00

Parallel Sessions – Support Coalitions on Topics of Mutual Interest

Discussants took turns to briefly present (verbally) activities they are engaged in (or past experiences) of interest to the Working Group. 3 key messages/lessons each. Questions from the audience, collective discussion and reflections follow.

  1. Support coalition for measuring and modelling transitions
  • Measuring transitions
  • System dynamics modelling

Discussants: Nikos KARAMPEKIOS, National Documentation Centre (Leader); Jonathan PYCROFT; Prof. Jose Luis TORRES, University of Malaga; Marie TAMBA, Joint Research Centre

Rapporteur: Anabela SANTOS, Joint Research Centre

  1. Support coalition for industrial policy
  • New industrial policy
  • Skills for industrial transition

Discussants:  Antonio ANDREONI, UCL (Leader), Prof. Lisa DE PROPRIS, University of Birmingham; Prof. Michael LANDESMANN, WIIW; Prof. Manuel LARANJA, University of Lisbon; Pietro MONCADA-PATERNO-CASTELLO, Joint Research Centre

Rapporteur: John EDWARDS, Joint Research Centre

  1. Support coalition for grassroots innovation and civic alliances
  • Communication tools for public outreach and engagement
  • Building stakeholder alliances
  • Tackling territorial problems

Discussants: Joe RAVETZ, University of Manchester (Leader); Jonas BYLUND, Urban Europe; Matias RAMIREZ, SPRU; Maria CERRETA, University of Naples

Rapporteur: Eskarne ARREGUI, Joint Research Centre

  1. Support coalition for public sector and regulatory innovation for transitions
  • Public sector innovation
  • Public procurement
  • Sandboxes / policy experiments 

Discussants: Patries BOEKHOLT, Innovation Policy Matters (Leader), Marina RANGA, Joint Research Centre; Carmela SANCHEZ, University of Santiago

Rapporteur: Gabriel RESENDE, Joint Research Centre

  1. Support coalition for governing transitions
  • Coordination
  • Monitoring
  • Evaluation

Discussants: Bjorn ASHEIM, Lund University (Leader); Lars COENEN, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences; Rene KEMP, University of Maastricht; Elisabetta MARII;  Elvira UYARRA, University of Manchester

Rapporteur: Jayne WOOLFORD, Joint Research Centre


15 July 2019



Participants log in



  • Dimitrios PONTIKAKIS, Joint Research Centre

Reporting from the Support Coalitions Parallel Sessions


Review of Industrial Transition of Greece: Findings and Recommendations (20 mins)

  • Matthijs JANSSEN, Utrecht University
  • Yannis TOLIAS, Innovatia Systems

Discussion (15 mins)

Moderator: Anabela SANTOS, Joint Research Centre



11:00- 11:35

Review of Industrial Transition of Andalusia: Preliminary Findings (20 mins)

  • Totti KÖNNÖLÄ, Insight Foresight Institute

Discussion (15 mins)

Moderator: Jayne WOOLFORD, Joint Research Centre

11:35– 11:50



Keynote Address (15 mins)

  • Prof. Johan SCHOT, Utrecht University

“Implementing transformative innovation policy through formative evaluation with transformative outcomes”

Discussion (10 mins)

Moderator: Dimitrios PONTIKAKIS, Joint Research Centre

12:15– 12:30

Wrap Up and Next Steps

  • Erik ARNOLD, Working Group Rapporteur, Technopolis
  • Dimitrios PONTIKAKIS and Mark BODEN, Joint Research Centre

12:30 -13:00

Meeting of the Advisory Board (by invitation)


Practical Information

06 Oct 2020


Registration Information

By invitation only


The 3rd Working Group meeting was held virtually and featured the findings and recommendations of the JRC Industrial Transition Reviews of Andalusia, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania. The reviews focus on an industrial theme of growing global importance suggested by the relevant government authorities, collect evidence from key stakeholders in the country and from broader international experiences and relevant literature, and support the development of adequate territorial responses that harness cross-portfolio complementarities and cross-stakeholder coordination. All four reviews currently under way examine industrial themes at the heart of the European Green Deal, including the transition to renewable energy and sustainable transport (Andalusia, Greece) and the productive transformations necessary, and brought forward by, digitalisation (Bulgaria, Romania). The JRC Industrial Transition Reviews follow the common POINT (Projecting Opportunities for INdustrial Transition) methodology developed by the JRC in collaboration with the Working Group. The JRC Technical Report documenting the POINT methodology, enriched by the experience with the reviews so far, is set for publication in July and will be made available here:  https://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/industrial-transition

In striving to make the most of the opportunities presented by virtual meetings, we initiated a discussion with a broader group of interested researchers and practitioners  through a first series of exploratory discussions on topical support coalitions. The topics covered in this first set of parallel discussions included measuring and modelling transitions, industrial policy, grassroots innovation and alliance construction, public sector and regulatory innovation for transitions, governing transitions.  The aim was to provide a regular space for discussion, learning and coordination that can prepare the ground for possible joint actions among participants. The objectives of the support coalitions were in the first instance to:

  • learn from relevant work done by WG participants 
  • link up to vanguard work outside the WG
  • receive constructive feedback and provide opportunities for coordination
  • enhance collective understanding of critical topics


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