Languedoc-Roussillon (FR81)

General Information

  • Capitarl city icon Montpellier
  • Region size icon 27,375.8 km2  
  • Population icon 2,686,054
  • Regional GDP icon 61,111
  • % of the National GDP 3.15
  • % of Unemployment 12.7
  • Regional GERD (%) 2.77
Urban Data Platform

S3 Priorities


Name Description
Data: processing and visualisation of digital data Strengthening the visibility of the region in the digital sector and accompanying the digital transition.
Large and small water cycle Developing solutions for the identification and the joint management of resources and water re-use.
Industrial and energy transition Focusing on two sectors: concentrated solar power and high efficiency solar power for the production of renewable energy, and nuclear decommissioning and waste treatment.
Advanced and targeted therapies They would notably be applied to chronic diseases and ageing.
Coastal Economy (Marine bioeconomy, Becoming a laboratory of innovative products and services for the coastal economy.
Innovative and sustainable production and promotion of Mediterranean and tr Supporting the competitiveness of regional agricultural sectors, promoting academic competences and increasing firms' competitiveness, fighting against climate change and using resources and raw material efficiently.
Entrepreneurship and innovation This is a transversal field aimed at providing the best possible environment for the creation and the development of firms, accelerating firms' growth through innovation and easing the access of regional firms to international markets.

You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities



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  • Phone: 0033-0467856960