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Monitoring & evaluation
S3 Newsletter Special Issue: Smart Specialisation for the Recovery

The special issue of the Smart Specialisation Newsletter builds on the presentations held during the 'Smart Specialisation for the Recovery' online workshop on 15 April 2021 that gathered more that 920 participants. It aims to showcase the collaborative approach embraced by leading European...

Cohen, C., Goenaga Beldarrain, X., Kyriakou, D., Garcia Dominguez, X. and Galnares Rodriguez, P. editor(s)
Assessing Smart Specialisation: Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Our analysis aims to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation systems of national and regional authorities implementing Smart Specialisation strategies. In addition, based on the literature review and on the evidence gathered by our research project, this publication...

Fatime Barbara Hegyi, Francesco Prota
Smart Specialisation Evaluation: Setting the Scene

This report presents a set of preliminary conceptual and practical considerations on the evaluation of the Smart Specialisation policy. It opens a discussion that aims to set the scene for more articulated and detailed reflections.

Carlo Gianelle, Fabrizio Guzzo, Elisabetta Marinelli
Smart Specialisation at work: the policy makers’ view on strategy design and implementation

This paper illustrates the results of a survey on the Smart Specialisation experience across European regions and countries. Respondents recommend to maintain the current policy framework for the future, while introducing new elements to improve strategies’ efficacy and make Smart Specialisation...

Fabrizio Guzzo, Carlo Gianelle, Elisabetta Marinelli
Smart Specialisation at work: Analysis of the calls launched under ERDF Operational Programmes

The goal of this paper is to assess how and to what extent resources under Thematic Objective 1 (TO1) of national and regional Operational Programmes for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) were allocated to operations falling within the innovation and research priorities set in the...

Carlo Gianelle, Fabrizio Guzzo, Krzysztof Mieszkowski
Monitoring Mechanisms for Smart Specialisation Strategies

In the context of innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3), monitoring mechanisms perform three fundamental functions. RIS3 monitoring focuses on tracking the developments related to policy interventions within the specific priority areas identified in the strategy.

Carlo Gianelle and Alexander Kleibrink