Eye@RIS3 visualises public investment priorities for innovation across Europe for period 2014-2020. It enables public managers and stakeholders to position their territory in comparison to other territories and to find potential partners for collaboration. Inside the EU, priorities are linked to the use of the European Regional and Development Funds (ERDF). Data are based on the information found in Smart Specialisation Strategies and related strategic frameworks.  Outside the EU, they depict R&I priorities reported in various government strategy documents.

To allow for easy comparisons with established classifications, priorities are classified using the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE rev. 2) and the Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programmes and Budgets (NABS 2007).

Last updates: The tool has been fully upgraded in September 2018. Data are continuously updated based on inputs from European regional and national authorities and their stakeholders (also called the "entrepreneurial discovery process" in the literature on smart specialisation).

Eye@RIS3: Innovation Priorities in Europe

EU Countries with Encoded S3 Priorities
EU Regions with Encoded S3 Priorities
Non-EU Countries with Encoded R&I Priorities
Non-EU Regions with Encoded R&I Priorities
Name [NUTS ID] Description Source Date of Source
Alsace [FR42] Renewable energies
This is the 2nd axis of GREEN ECONOMY. It involves biogas, biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity
Final RIS3 Document 28 - Oct - 2013
Alsace [FR42] Green economy
Composed of various axis: 1/ Sustainable, healthy and low environmental impact buildings; 2/ Renewable energy; 3/ sustainable transport; 4/ water management; 5/ Low environmental impact agriculture and manufacturing.
Final RIS3 Document 28 - Oct - 2013
Alsace [FR42] Health and well-being -
1/ e-health (prevention, autodiagnostic, tele-consultation and remote monitoring), ICT related aspects of e-health. 2) New drugs (biotech, biomarkers, nanomaterial, genomics, chemistry and biology), 3) robotics & medical & surgical care (non-invas...
Final RIS3 Document 28 - Oct - 2013
Andalusia [ES61] Transport and logistics
Innovative business activities on logistics and transport, particularly regarding the major productive sectors in Andalucía (agri-food, aeronautics, energy sectors); mobility and urban transport infrastructures.
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Jan - 2014
Andalusia [ES61] Tourism innovation
Research, experimentation, demonstration and technology transfer projects in the field of the tourism industry; cultural heritage management; leisure and cultural tourism.
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Jan - 2014
Andalusia [ES61] Promotion of Renewable Energies
and Energy Efficiency - generation and integration systems of renewable energies. smart energy networks (smart grids): capture, transformation, transport and storage. high capacity energy storage systems. efficient energy management in production ...
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Jan - 2014
Andalusia [ES61] Healthy and safe food
Innovation in agri-food industry, including functional and customized food habits; food safety traceability; aquaculture and fish industries with the exploitation of opportunities resulting from green and blue economy.
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Jan - 2014
Andalusia [ES61] Digital Economy
Incorporation of ICT infrastructure, development, and digital processes to strategic industries, business activities, civil society and for the development of e-government. This will include IoT, Big Data, Could Computing, etc.
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Jan - 2014
Andalusia [ES61] Health and well-being systems
Fostering the public health and welfare systems through new integrated models of health and well-being management based on e-health and big data exploitation; biotechnology, regenerative medicine, healthy leaving and ageing
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Jan - 2014
Andalusia [ES61] Natural resources management
Research and innovation on sustainable management of natural resources; improved competitiveness of agriculture and cattle industry; CO2 capture by natural and cultivated ecosystems; water cycle management. Bio based economy. Experimentation on n...
Draft RIS3 Document 01 - Jan - 2014