
Monitoring & evaluation

Second meeting of the working group on RIS3 monitoring in lagging regions

The second meeting of the working-group on RIS3 monitoring in lagging regions brought forward the discussion started in February. It looked into some technical aspects of monitoring (such as for instance, data collection methods and target setting), as well as providing avenues for sharing good...

Monitoring Smart Specialisation - Peer eXchange & Learning (PXL)

The S3 Platform together with the Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna jointly organised the first Peer eXchange & Learning (PXL) workshop on RIS3 monitoring. The workshop took place in the facilities of the Regione Emilia-Romagna.

Challenges and Monitoring Implementation

The S3 Platform organised a high-level meeting on challenges and monitoring implementation of S3 strategies, which presented the state of play regarding the implementation phase of RIS3.