

S3 Governance: "Entrepreneurial discovery process"

EDP requires not only the capacity of entrepreneurs to identify local strengths but also the ability of governments to collect and assess the information received in order to align policy measures to the selected activities.

How to develop and implement your RIS3 priorities

When you have chosen your priorities, how do you continue? How do you make sure you succeed in the field? Who do you involve, what tools do you use, how do you make necessary changes and based on what information? How do you as a regional policy maker contribute to the economic growth in the...

Joint Workshop on Smart Specialisation Strategies

The workshop brought together policy makers, academia and experts from different countries and regions in the context of smart specialisation strategies for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Seminar on Smart Specialisation

Dissemination of knowledge on the concept of smart specialisation and the related conditionality for the development of ERDF financed operational programmes for the years 2014-2010 among national and regional decision makers, researchers and EU Structural Funds Managing Authorities