

Smart Specialisation in Energy, driving societal challenges

This workshop showcased how different sectors of society are taking an active role in energy action. Contributions are addressed by the smart specialisation strategies at the regional level through a bottom-up participative process.

First CatLabs Innovation Camp

Innovation Camp is a co-creation methodology that is being tested and promoted by the S3 Platform as a tool and practice that can be embraced by regions and cities to stimulate the collaboration of actors of the four helixes in an Entrepreneurial Discovery Process. This will be the first...

Smart Regions 2.0 Conference: Maximising Europe's Innovation Potential

The second edition of the high-level Smart Regions even will provide the opportunity for stakeholders to share experience of how smart specialisation has been implemented in their countries and regions. It will enable project promoters to share experience and find cooperation partners across EU...

Smart Specialisation cooperation in Central Europe – Networking Workshop

The Directorate General for Regional and Urban policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission has launched an initiative in mid-2016 that aims at contributing to the setting up of a type of long-term dialogue for an efficient and enhanced cooperation and exchange of knowledge between actors of the...

European Week of Regions and Cities

During this annual event cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.