Colbach, Pierre
- Email:
- Phone: (+352) 247-88424
Name | Description |
ICT | horizontal priority usig ICT for the successful diversification of the country’s economy - Data being a key transversal asset for developing new services in fields such as industry 4.0, fintech, autonomous driving, connected logistics, digital health, space technologies. |
Digitisation of industry (IND 4.0) | Evolving from a strict focus on manufacturing towards an industry driven by new-generation digital technologies such as the Internet of Things, High Performance Computing, cloud computing, big data, robotics, artificial intelligence and 3D printing. The change of paradigm aims at impacting on products, processes and business models in every sub-sector of Luxembourg industry. |
Health technologies | Address the challenge of ageing by orienting Luxembourg's expertise in molecular diagnostics and related areas towards supporting the transition from curative medicine to preventive and personalized medicine. This also involves facilitating the access of patients to innovative therapeutic or diagnostic solutions. In this context, the field of digital health has been identified as a strategic opportunity |
Clean & ecotechnologies | Commitment to a green and circular economy, involving energy efficiency, renewable energy and storage as well as sustainable water and waste management with a special focus on the construction and the wood sector. This also touches upon the automotive and mobility sectors, as well as ICT eco-system |
You can obtain more detail following this link: EYE@RIS3 Priorities
You can obtain more detail following this link: Digital Innovation Hubs Tool