From Digital Innovation to "Smart Tourism destination": Stakeholders' reflections in times of a pandemic

Publication article | | Anabela M. Santos; John Edwards and Manuel Laranja

This JRC policy insight presents the main findings of an online event that took place on 30th September and 8th October 2020, organised by the Portuguese’s Algarve region and the JRC. The workshop aimed to support the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process EDP, a key feature of Smart Specialisation. 65 stakeholders participated in the event to discuss challenges, opportunities and needs of the region in the field of the digitalisation of tourism. Lack of adequate skills, inadequate infrastructure, weak links between tourism services and others economic activities and ineffective data collection and analysis were some of bottlenecks discussed. Regional assets, new market trends and the advantage of big data analysis were the main opportunities identified.


  • 65 stakeholders participated in an online event, staged over two half-days, to discuss challenges, opportunities and needs of the Algarve region in the field of the digitalisation of tourism.
  • Lack of adequate skills, inadequate infrastructure (communication and transport), weak links between tourism services and others economic activities and ineffective data collection and analysis were some of bottlenecks discussed.
  • Regional assets, new market trends (more eco-friendly solutions) and the advantage of big data analysis were the main opportunities identified.
  • Better data management, diversification of tourism offer, more networking and cooperation were some of the identified market needs.
  • Sustainability dimension (circular economy and climate changes issues) in the tourism sector is one of the main themes of interest for future events.

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