

Highlights cooperation EU-Colombia

European Union external action.  
Responsible EU body: EEASColombian Flag

International Cooperation framework for Research and Innovation.  
Responsible European Commission service: DG RTD.

Regional Policy Dialogue.
Responsible European Commission service: DG REGIO.

EU - Latin America business cooperation.
Responsible European Commission service: DG GROW.

On-going projects

International Urban Cooperation: The region to region exchange programme will enable Latin American countries and regions to cooperate with counterparts in the EU in order to promote innovation, competitiveness and new opportunities for their citizens. 
Main topic: Region-to-region cooperation on innovation for local and
regional development
Targeted countries/regions: Regions of Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Brazil,
Peru and Argentina
Cooperation with EU: YES, with 18 EU regions
Donor: EEAS, Partnership Instrument
Monitoring: DG REGIO
Duration: July 2017 - Dec 2019

INNOVACT: The objective of this platform is to facilitate the sharing of information and lessons between European and Latin-American cross-border regions on promoting cross-border cooperation, innovation systems, clusters and competitiveness. 
Main topic: cross-border value chains and regional innovation
Targeted countries/regions: cross-border areas of Mexico-Guatelama, Colombia-Ecuador, Colombia-Peru and Peru-Chile.
Cooperation with EU: YES
Donor: European Parliament
Monitoring: European Commission, DG REGIO
Duration: May 2017 - Sept 2018

INNOVAL: The objective of this project is to develop further cooperation between national and regional authorities and specialised agencies in 4 Latin American countries (Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru) both between themselves, and, with EU countries and regions on the definition and implementation of decentralised, regional-level innovation and smart specialisation policies. 
Main topic: Promotion of decentralised innovation policies in CELAC countries
Targeted countries/regions: EU - (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Argentina)
Cooperation with EU: YES
Donor: European Parliament
Monitoring: European Commission, DG REGIO
Duration: June 2017 - Ju 2018

Smart Specialisation Strategy Bogota Region, Colombia

Support of the Smart Specialisation Platform

Aiming at facilitating close cooperation with EU regions, the Smart Specialisation platform supports technically and methodologically strategic initiatives leading to implement the smart specialisation concept in non-EU countries. An open call to non-EU regions and countries is available.

More concretelly, the support of the S3 Platform to the implementation and adaptation of the S3 concept in Colombia is linked to the following activities: 

  • Methodological contribution in peer-to-peer between Latin-American and EU practitioners of S3 
  • Methodological support in the customisation process of S3 
  • Facilitating exchanges and contacts among S3 practitioners and stakeholders
  • Attendance of S3 Platform experts to workshops and conferences (Depending on availability)
  • Co-development of policy analysis
  • Dissemination and communication activities in several channels 
  • Membership to the S3 Platform 
  • Newsletter information 

 Results of Smart Specialisation Strategy of Bogotá Region.

Open call

OPEN CALL to Non-EU Countries & Regions: registration in the S3 Platform. Expressions of interest for becoming member of the S3 platform can be fulfilled here.  This call targets public authorities in charge of innovation and competitiveness policies at national and sub-national level.


Smart Specialisation Conference in Latin America
  How to use place-based innovation policies to build sustainable and inclusive growth in Latin America? This event presented key findings on the development and adaptation of the Smart Specialisation policy concept in selected LatAm countries and regions. It discussed main challenges, lessons...
Smart Specialisation in EU and Latin America
The S3 Platform organises the discussion panel: "Smart Specialisation in Latin America and the EU, Regional Challenges, Transcontinental Opportunities" in the framework of next Latin American Studies Association congress (Barcelona, 2018). The session will showcase examples of smart...


Innovation and Regional Specialisation in Latin America

The Smart Specialisation concept, currently implemented in the European Union, is being widely considered by several countries and regions of Latin-America. The interest towards this approach, highly based on the enhancement of regional innovation capacities, is motivating territorial dialogues,...

Belén Barroeta, Javier Gómez Prieto, Jonatan Paton, Manuel Palazuelos, Marcelino Cabrera Giráldez