S3P - Textile innovation partnership scoping paper

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Scoping note defining the mission, vision, target market and sub-themes of collaboration of the partnership has been finalised.

The scoping work started in October 2016 for a partnership Innovative Textiles, registered on S3 Thematic Platform Industrial Modernisation. Since the start of work, the partnership grew from 11 to 16 regions, and by the time of finalised the report included Auvergne Rhône Alps, Baden Württemberg, Campania, Catalonia, Emilia Romagna, Hradec Kralove, Lombardy, Łódzkie, Norte, North East Romania, Piedmont, Puglia, Tuscany, Valencia, Västra Götaland and West Flanders.

The scoping note includes the identification of the preliminary project ideas, based on the declarations and of partner regions. The next stage included mobilisation of regional stakeholders, especially companies and verification of these ideas and their significance to the regional economy according to the methodology agreed in the previous step. The stakeholder workshops or interviews (depending on the local needs) were organized in 7 regions. For these regions, a detailed study of regional economy was prepared and discussed with the stakeholders. The test of the suggested approach and the results of this qualitative mapping, allowed for the suggestion of further work methodology for international matchmaking and the definition of path for catching up regions.


The scoping activity was based on the following approach:

  • Taking into account the existing RIS3 strategies and the results of entrepreneurial discovery processes in the regions,

  • Active involvement of regional stakeholders from the beginning of the mapping process,

  • Quick process to comply with the administrative conditions.

  • Concentrating at identifying the specific needs/challenges of each region in order to prepare the ground for further work,

  • Identifying challenges which need international collaboration and to initiate the entrepreneurial discovery at international level.

Please follow the main page of the S3P - Textile innovation for updated sub-themes of the partnership.