S3 review - where are we?

  • 12 Dec 2018 to 12 Dec 2018

We are getting closer to end of the programming period and Smart Specialisation Strategies have been implemented for a few years. Some regions and member states are reflecting on whether it is time to review the strategy, and how to do so. In this workshop we explore this topic, reflecting on both good and bad practices.

Agenda and Presentations

S3 Targeted Support – Horizontal Activities

Reviewing Smart Specialisation


08:45 - 09:00 Welcome Coffee and registration

09:00 – 09:30 – Introduction to the day


09:30-10:15 S3 Review hearing 


Two speakers argue in favour or against the motion "We should review our S3 now"


10:15- 11:15 Examples of S3 reviews


• Reviewing the S3 in Catalunya, Tatiana Fernandez – 15 mins

• Reviewing the S3 in Greater Helsinki, Lauri Kuukasjarvi – 15 mins


The above presentations could cover

  • How do you organise the revision?
  • What is critical to organise a S3 revision? (i.e. role of monitoring)
  • S3 revision and post 2020
  • Learning from mistakes – the importance of bad practice
  • Link between S3 revision and ex-post final S3 evaluation


• Methodological insights on S3 revisions: the importance of monitoring, Federica Bertamino – 15 mins (Skype connection).

The above presentation will review an exercise being conducted in Italy by Agenzia della Coesione, highlighting the role of monitoring, accompanied by a sound governance structure, as precondition for S3 review. The exercise may provide inspiration to other countries/regions willing to conduct a similar effort. 


Q&A 15 mins


11:15 - 11:45 Coffee Break

11:45 -13:30 Participatory exercises


This session will include two separate, yet connected exercises


1) Part one: taking stock (approx. 11:45-12:35)

2) Part two: ability to learn from mistakes (approx. 12:35 – 13:30)


1) Part one: taking stock (approx. 11:45-12:35)

Participants will split in 4 groups – each with a moderator and rapporteur


Participants to the working group will discuss the following aspects:

  • Are regions prepared for S3 review?
    • What are they reviewing? Instruments? Priorities? Governance system? Monitoring System?
  • Why is the review being organised?
    • To meet the needs of this programming period?
    • To prepare for the next programming period?
  • Why do you think you need to organise a review? In particular to get ready for the new programming period? (i.e…)
    • Do they have sufficient data?
    • Are the governance structures adequate?
    • Will stakeholders be engaged? To what extent?
  • Do you have what you need to conduct such review?
    • Resources
    • Funds
    • Skills
  • What is the relationship between the Mid-term review of the S3 and the final evaluation? Do you plan to hold a S3 ex-post evaluation or not? If so, when? will this ex-post evaluation be included in the evaluation(s) of the OPs or will it be independent?


  • AOB




Elisa Gerussi/Ana Fernandez

Yannis Tolias/Federica Bertamino

Ruslan Stefanov/ Michalis Metaxas

Petra Szavic/Lajos Nyiri


Rappourteurs will need to send to the JRC (Elisabetta.Marinelli@ec.europa.eu) a summary of the discussion in each working table a few days after the event.


2) Part two: ability to learn from mistakes (approx. 12:35 – 13:30)


There is the risk that a "positive bias", and the search for "good practice", pushes policy makers away from bad experiences, missing out on opportunities to learn from mistakes. In reviewing S3 this bias should be avoided, as experimentation (and thereby mistakes) are inherent in Smart Specialisation. In this exercise   each partner region/partner member state should prepare a short description of a bad practice in advance and discuss it on the day.


Regions/Member States should prepare a one page note with the following information:


  • What was your biggest mistake throughout the development of S3 (It can cover any aspect of S3, EDP, the governance system, the monitoring system, specific instruments, etc.)
  • Describe such "bad practice"
    • What were the objectives
    • What went wrong?
      • Why?
    • What went right?
      • Why?
    • What would you do different next time?
    • What would you do in exactly the same way?


The note shall be sent to Elisabetta.Marinelli@ec.europa.eu by the 3rd of December.


During the exercise, the region/member state will discuss their experience, and peers

can ask further questions to the presenter, or share similar experience and together, guided by the moderator, draw relevant lessons for the review of S3 in the region of the presenter.(Further guidelines to this session may follow based on the documents received by regions).


Moderators/Rapporteurs (as above):


Elisa Gerussi/Ana Fernandez

Yannis Tolias/Federica Bertamino

Ruslan Stefanov/ Michalis Metaxas

Lajos Nyiri/ Petra Szavic


Rapporteurs will need to send to the JRC (scussion in each working table a few days after the event.


13:30 - 14:45 Networking lunch


(During the lunch break the moderators/rapporteurs of the different groups need to come together and derive a few bullet points identifying -based on the group discussion- a sort of roadmap on "How to review S3 to get ready for 2021-2027".

14:45 – 15:30  Reporting on plenary session, moderator Elisabetta Marinelli


"How to review S3 to get ready for 2021-2027".

  • Regions will be invited to comment the experience of learning from bad practices

(Petra Szavic will act as rappourteur and send a short note to the JRC)


15:30 – 16:15 Plenary session – Proposal for 2019


Elisabetta Marinelli, The foreseen horizontal activities for 2019 – governance, monitoring and evaluation


The presentation is following by a Q&A, in which it will also possible to provide further suggestions, as well as the identification of some dates for future events. 


Yannis Tolias will support Elisabetta Marinelli, especially in relation to the activities on evaluation.

16:15 – 16:30  Closing remarks

Mark Boden

Elisabetta Marinelli



Summary report by Yannis Tolias

Practical Information

12 Dec 2018 to 12 Dec 2018