How to Develop and Implement RIS3 Priorities

  • 01 Apr 2014
  • Pronova with directions in Norrköping, Sweden

Four regions present their experiences on how they have developed their RIS3 priorities and how they implement them

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Practical Information

01 Apr 2014
Pronova with directions in Norrköping, Sweden
Registration Information
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How to develop and implement your RIS3 priorities

When you have chosen your priorities, how do you continue? How do you make sure you succeed in the field? Who do you involve, what tools do you use, how do you make necessary changes and based on what information? How do you as a regional policy maker contribute to the economic growth in the companies that will ensure the future income and welfare of the region?

After the national level Peer Review workshop on Implementation and Policy Mix in Riga last month, we are pleased to invite you to explore this topic further together with the advanced regions of East Sweden, Scotland, Flanders and Lower Austria; and Vesa Harmaakorpi professor in Innovation Systems from Lappeenranta University of Technology, in a thematic workshop on "How to develop and implement your RIS3 priorities"


The region of East Sweden has invited us to Norrköping, Sweden on 1-2 April (starting and ending at lunchtime). Norrköping is easily reached by either its own airport, or Linköping airport, or flight to Stockholm airport and then train. The event is co-organized by the S3 Platform.


East Sweden, Scotland, Flanders and Lower Austria will present their experiences on how they have developed their RIS3 priorities and how they implement them. These presentations and following expert interventions, by Vesa Harmaakorpi, will be the point of departure for joint and participatory discussions and work on how to proceed in this next phase of RIS3.

Development and implementation of RIS3 priorities in Visualisation and Logistics in East Sweden, PPT1 and PPT2


The RIS3 has limited value if it is not implemented and continuously developed. Together we will explore how. The objectives of the workshop are to:

  • Provide examples of interesting practises from some advanced regions in the development and implementation of their RIS3s
  • Jointly explore how RIS3 priorities are chosen, developed and adapted, and what kind of policy mix is needed and useful in different circumstances.
  • Identify, document and diffuse good practises as presented in the four cases of the workshop.


The target group for the event would be stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3).



maria.pettersson (a)